04/05/2017 · Stigmergy is the universal coordination mechanism: a consensus mechanism of indirect coordination within an environment among agents or actions.
Stigmergy describe how many individuals agents are able to coordinate collective action only by leaving information in a shared environment. In this type of ...
17/12/2013 · Stigmergy is a mechanism of self-organization that was first introduced by the French entomologist Grassé in 1959 to describe the social ...
Stigmergy agent and swarm-intelligence-based multi-agent system. Abstract: Social insect colonies present a highly structured social organization with the fact ...
19/08/2024 · In quasi-one-dimensional circularly symmetric systems of active particles, experiments and simulations reveal an indirect interplay between ...
01/04/1999 · Abstract. Stigmergy is a class of mechanisms that mediate animal-animal interactions. Its introduction in 1959 by Pierre-Paul Grassé made it ...
05/09/2014 · Abstract. In 1959, French biologist Pierre-Paul Grassé coined the term 'stigmergy' to explain the mechanism of spontaneous coordination between ...
23/06/2015 · Stigmergy enables complex, coordinated activity without any need for planning, control, communication, simultaneous presence, or even mutual ...
06/11/2019 · We identify limitations to stigmergy in a spatially constrained, high-density environment—a free but bounded two-dimensional workspace—using ...
12/08/2021 · This concept—where the features of an existing structure are used to add the next element of the structure by a simple rule—is called stigmergy ...