04/05/2017 · Stigmergy is the universal coordination mechanism: a consensus mechanism of indirect coordination within an environment among agents or actions.
23/08/2023 · The positive associations of stigmergy and knowledge production outcomes show that stigmergy serves not only as a coordination mechanism for ...
These robotic implementations inspired the application of stigmergic. Page 3. to appear in T. Lewis & L. Marsh (Eds.), Human Stigmergy: Theoretical Developments.
Stigmergy describe how many individuals agents are able to coordinate collective action only by leaving information in a shared environment. In this type of ...
These changes in turn alter the later actions of the agents. The word stigmergy comes from the Greek stigma, meaning sting, and ergon, meaning work, capturing ...
01/04/1999 · Abstract. Stigmergy is a class of mechanisms that mediate animal-animal interactions. Its introduction in 1959 by Pierre-Paul Grassé made it ...
23/06/2015 · Stigmergy enables complex, coordinated activity without any need for planning, control, communication, simultaneous presence, or even mutual ...
20/12/2022 · Social insects owe their widespread success to their ability to efficiently coordinate behaviour to carry out complex tasks.
In this paper, we describe how certain aspects of the biological phenomena of stigmergy can be imported into multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL).
Swarm Intelligence in Biological Systems. Mimic Mother Nature to solve human problems. Artificial intelligence, biomimicry, robot swarm by cockroaches.