David Cerny

More reading on Cerny:


His work reminds me of some of the work I saw when we visited MONA in Hobart – it can be said it is just designed to shock, but it is very effective in stimulating discussion (or outrage) and it is difficult to ignore.

 This sculpture has proved to have the same shock value of some of his pieces; when Viselec was displayed in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the U.S., many panicked phone calls were placed as the people thought the sculpture was someone attempting suicide. Created in 1997, the tiny figure of Sigmund Freud, who hangs by his right arm and has the hand of the other in his left pocket, is said to reflect Černý’s thoughts about the role the intellectual would play in the new millennium. Located on Husova street near Betlémské náměstí, the bearded figure has made the rounds to Malá Strana, Berlin, Stockholm, and London.

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