25 Pins
Extração de dente em 1920. Vintage Photos, Dental Humour, Dentistry, Olds, Dental Humor, Dental, Dentist, Oral Health, Pliers
Extração de dente em 1920.
Meu mundo e assim: Imagens perturbadoras Vintage Medical, Medical Photos, Historical Photos, Medical Oddities, Medical College, Medical History, Surgery, Stanford University, Medicine
Imagens perturbadoras
Meu mundo e assim: Imagens perturbadoras
fotografias raras mostrar o rescaldo de Hiroshima após a bomba atômica | Daily Mail on-line Vietnam, Fotos, Resim, Picture, Fotografie, Fotografia, The Past, Photographer, Historia
Rare photographs show the nightmare aftermath of Hiroshima
fotografias raras mostrar o rescaldo de Hiroshima após a bomba atômica | Daily Mail on-line
Mulheres OusadasY❤B <> AUDREY HEPBURN (Ixelles, Bélgica, 4 de maio de 1929 — Tolochenaz, 20 de janeiro de 1993), "foi premiada atriz, modelo e humanista belga, radicada na Inglaterra e Países Baixos, eleita em 2009 a atriz de Hollywood mais bonita da história. É considerada ícone de estilo e a terceira maior lenda feminina do cinema, de acordo com o American Film Institute." (Wikipédia) Motivation, Feelings, Audrey Hepburn, Films, Picture Quotes, Wise Words, Humour, Faith In Humanity, Helping Others
10 Photos That Prove Audrey Hepburn Was More Than Just A Pretty Face
Mulheres OusadasY❤B <> AUDREY HEPBURN (Ixelles, Bélgica, 4 de maio de 1929 — Tolochenaz, 20 de janeiro de 1993), "foi premiada atriz, modelo e humanista belga, radicada na Inglaterra e Países Baixos, eleita em 2009 a atriz de Hollywood mais bonita da história. É considerada ícone de estilo e a terceira maior lenda feminina do cinema, de acordo com o American Film Institute." (Wikipédia)
Walker Evans (November 3, 1903 – April 10, 1975) was an American photographer best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) documenting the effects of the Great Depression. Description from I searched for this on Vintage, Rare Photos, Dorothea Lange, Portrait, Social Realism, Old Photos
Walker Evans (November 3, 1903 – April 10, 1975) was an American photographer best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) documenting the effects of the Great Depression. Description from I searched for this on
14. El marine de 24 años Tyler Ziegel en el día de su boda con Renée Kline. Ella se divorció después de 1 año y el murió a causa del abuso de drogas y alcoholismo. People, War, Military, Wedding Dress, Sergeant, Sargento, Marina, Married, Heroes
Galería: 24 Imágenes que sólo le interesarán a la gente curiosa [Volumen 25] | Notinerd
14. El marine de 24 años Tyler Ziegel en el día de su boda con Renée Kline. Ella se divorció después de 1 año y el murió a causa del abuso de drogas y alcoholismo.
Em junho de 1985, quando esta imagem de um etíope do estado de Tigré sendo ajudado por trabalhadores humanitários é publicada, mais de um milhão de pessoas morreram de fome na nação africana atingida pela seca. Fotografia: Sebastião Salgado. Photography, Sad, Human, Kunst, Life
History in Pictures | The Australian | 50th Birthday| History in Pictures
Em junho de 1985, quando esta imagem de um etíope do estado de Tigré sendo ajudado por trabalhadores humanitários é publicada, mais de um milhão de pessoas morreram de fome na nação africana atingida pela seca. Fotografia: Sebastião Salgado.
(379) تويتر Horrible Histories, Poor People, Homeless Children, Poverty, Poor Children, Truth Of Life, People Of The World, Feeling Sorry For Yourself
X. It’s what’s happening
(379) تويتر
Pieter Hugo. Showed with him and he's amazing. Horror, Africa, Hugo, Old Things, Post Mortem, Historical Pictures, African Artists, Exhibition has expired
Pieter Hugo. Showed with him and he's amazing.
A B Ideas, World, Wisdom, Karma, Islam, Dua, Vida, Frases
Albert Einstein, 8. Mart, Zitate, Religion, Einstein, Reality, Truth
Güzel Instagram, Frida Kahlo, Comedy Zone, Ridiculous Pictures
Gathering mementos left for those loved ones passed. Nothing is ever thrown away or destroyed, but carefully filed and stored for posterity. Marine Fc, Military Love, Veteran, Support Our Troops, Military Service, American Soldiers
Our Love is Military Strong
Gathering mementos left for those loved ones passed. Nothing is ever thrown away or destroyed, but carefully filed and stored for posterity.
The most moving expression of Grief I have seen. An American and Afghani girl. Soon the entire World will be ready to revolt against oppression,greed,hate,Politician's and Secret Societies! Dao, Persona, Model Photos
Rocket Language
The most moving expression of Grief I have seen. An American and Afghani girl. Soon the entire World will be ready to revolt against oppression,greed,hate,Politician's and Secret Societies!