#Batuque manga

Ichiri vs Aguri has been an incredibly impactful fight in this story despite not being a particularly long one (only ~6 chapters total!), in major part because it's a fight we've known had been coming for over 100 chapters now. The distance these characters have covered since their respective introductions has been big too, and it really came together in one of the more beautiful ends to a fight in this series, on both a visual and narrative level.

I wanted to highlight (read: gush about for multiple paragraphs each with images included) some of the stuff I've been keeping up with (mainly manga for now, but I have some novel series I've been eyeing), since I'll likely continue to gush about new chapters here every now and again. I'll tag these posts with "Icarus' Reading Corner" to make them easier to find or ignore lol

There are other things I'm reading aside from the stuff I mention here but these particular ones are the ones that get my thoughts racing every chapter (some spoilers included for all of the stories mentioned in the tags):