What it does

Simple, it flips a coin in a complex way involving 4 steps.

Challenges We ran into

A loose pulley system delayed the completion of the project about a week, although other things ran ahead of schedule allowing for this to be resolved successfully in time.

Accomplishments that We're proud of

  • Winning first place in our studio overall out of ten teams of 4 to 5 people.
  • developing the Rube Goldberg that has a good balance operating and reset speed allowing it to perform the fastest out of all teams.

What We learned

That a simple design that is well tested and meets criteria can be harder to pull off than it seems at first glance. Our success with project proves that simplicity works well, as Leonardo da Vinci

What's next for Rube Goldberg Machine (Design Project)

Disassembly and recycling.

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