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Fort Corjuem Goa India

History of Fort Corjuem Goa India

fort corjuem

Descent from the northern side of the Fort.

Fort Corjuem  funnily enough as it may seem is a meeting place for young couples wanting to sit and indulge in contemplation of their own happiness.  And by the way it has a small chapel that served to the Catholics-Portuguese consolation and support in their difficult and dangerous service a few centuries in a row. 


fort corjuem goa

At the altar of St. Anthony. I could go for a monk.

Under the patronage of St. Anthony (  believers treat him as the Assistant in gaining lost values including the spiritual as well as the Patron Saint in family matters) the youth inspired by the fresh breeze from the ocean and warm stone walls  throw yourself at Cupid's hands right under the blue roof sky.

fort corjuem

South-western point of the Fort Corjuem.

fort corjuem

It is not San Francisco but still ...

But this story does not end so unfortunate as Fort Nanus looks like these days.

Ursula married the brave captain named Thomas da Costa and the glorious history of the miracle-soldier in a skirt ended happily.​

fort corjuem

Well-preserved southern wall

Fort Corjuem was built in 1551. The Fort is a relatively small and it has a square shape.  It has wide walls with height about 6 meters and numerous embrasures for small cannons and rifles.  At each corner of the Fort there are the stairs that lead to the ramparts.​

fort corjuem

In the shadow of the altar.

Fort Corjuem has a well and a dilapidated three-room quarters.  The material for the construction was served such as laterite (rich in iron and aluminum surface formation in hot and humid tropical regions formed by the weathering of rocks). Laterite fashion buildings (even the new) into antique look by the characteristic red-brown color.​

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The only entrance to the Fort.

If you stay at the north side of the Fort you can see a magnificent view of the Red Hills. At the foot of the Hills there is a railway which passes through hilly terrain and gives the impression that you look at a toy railway. At the bottom of the Fort Corjuem local boys built football field on which they play cricket (national game inherited from the British).


fort corjuem

The heady air of Corjuem.

So if you want to visit the open-air museum to feel the warmth of the old walls and enjoy a leisurely trip along the narrow and winding paths of Aldona, welcome to Fort Korjuem!​

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