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Bloomingdale's to Celebrate a Very Merry Unbirthday

Sue Wong dress and Tom Binns necklace via <a href="http://disnology.com/2010/01/disney-launches-alice-in-wonderland-inspired-fashions/">Disnology</a>
Sue Wong dress and Tom Binns necklace via Disnology

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Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland comes out March 5, which means we're going to hear about nothing else for the next month. The latest fashion tie-in: Starting in early March, Bloomingdale's will dedicate its windows to the movie. Expect to see Alice-themed items from the collections Tom Binns and Sue Wong did for Disney, plus props straight from the set of the film. Where the Wild Things Are, of course, had a similar relationship to Opening Ceremony, but clearly Alice is aiming for a broader audience.
· Alice in Midtownland [WWD]
· Disney Launches “Alice in Wonderland” Inspired Fashions [Disnology]

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