[Abandoned Pods]…The San Zhi UFO Houses

I’m not sure if I’ve posted about these before, but I was browsing through Flickr the other night for unique architecture and I came across these images of the abandoned San Zhi apartment complex in Taiwan. Apparently there’s this abandoned resort off the coast of Taiwan that was built in the 70’s. For some reason, the resort never really prospered, so these neat buildings were left to rot. Check it out…

(These photos are all from Flickr user Yusheng’s photoset.)

Now I think  these are pretty damn cool! They’re so reminiscent of the time when futuristic equaled round and bulbous. I would have loved to stay in one of these neat pods. I also like that they’re all different colors. This would be a GREAT place for a photoshoot…Neat!

About missheree

Greetings! I am Sheree, a fashion and costume designer from Miami, FL and Minneapolis, MN respectively. While fabric is my personal medium of choice, I find inspiration is all areas of art and this blog is a representation of that. From fashion to illustration to graphic design to architecture, Sparkleshock is here to do just that - add sparkle to your mind and shock your senses.

Posted on January 4, 2011, in Design-a-licious and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. They look cool. I think I remember hearing about them. The structure of the buildings made them hard to live in or something like that.

  2. oh wow!
    I would love to live in those..
    I imagine thats what houses would look like in the future


  3. i really wanted to visit these, too bad the government decided to demolish EVERY one of them D:

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