Bring back MANA DRAINING abilities!

This will fix the issue of unkillable healers and bring back another strategic approach to arenas vs just chain CC or burst.

Make Mana Matter Again.


I might be wrong, but don’t Demon Hunters have a mana burn PvP ability?

And also, yes, i agree.

I hear that doing damage is a pretty good mana burning ability.


I also have an idea:

The pummel ability of the Warrior class should silence any caster for at least 10 seconds.
Our punches are so powerful, casters should be lying on the floor, moaning, with severe stomach pains…

Warriors FTW!


Warlock mana drain (ಥ﹏ಥ)

I miss priest shadowburn


Mana burn was peak Vanilla PvP


Mana matter because sometime I run out of mana

Nah, that goes to monks. Warriors can’t outpunch them.

I despise how tanky healers are in pvp.

Not sure why a chandelier in a dress is more resilient to getting punched in the face versus a literal undead juggernaut.


Damn monks… well i could “slap” the caster to silence them for 20sec.
The actual word is of less importance :slight_smile:

They removed that.

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Ah, of course they did.

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Yeah you’d think a few people ganging up on a healer would do the trick yet we see plenty of healers running around like gods.

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Punch a plate wearing paladin and let me know how that goes

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They exist…DH has one. The problem is they were too strong.

Oh I loved mana burn, it added such a fun dynamic in pvp.

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warrior charge ability should send them flying with ragdoll physics. A good 5 - 10 second “stun” while they try to get back to their feet

And cause a 80% HP lost on the target while activating our execute which could be buff by 10,000% against casters!

1000% this. What happened to allow this to happen? Bad and sad.