Why is there no mana burn anymore?

Would make things a lot more interesting.

My Vanilla PvP days were beautiful. I do miss it sometimes.

Mana Burn was absolutely broken lol

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They used to have it in vanilla?

It was an actual spell.


Up until MoP IIRC, one of the spells lost to time. Warlocks also had mana drain. Hunters had a dot that did mana damage (viper sting). It was a huge part of the pvp landscape.

It was one of the checks against healer/turtle games. Eventually, the healer would oom and the fight is over. Dampening is the attempt to roll that back. I don’t know why they changed it, I think the old way was better and more immersive than the dampening effect.


Hmm wonder why it got the axe…

Because pvp is already a mess. They can’t balance what spells we do have already.

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I have no idea. There were also boss fights in pve that required it too. I’m not sure why we would kill an entire mechanic like that just for the sake of simplification (what they said at the time). I always had a theory that some dev got mana burned to death a few too many times and removed it


Hahaha it could have happened! Rage deleted

I’d love to see it come back and have dampening dropped. It would also kill the eternal offheal meta.

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I like dampening though it speeds up matches.

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Gave it to NPCs and you think the players cry and moan about getting stuff removed!

This did the same thing, but it was skill based. You lost mana because you were out of position and ate mana burns instead of the air the arena just getting harder to heal through (or whatever they say about dampening). It feels better and more organic.

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Uuuh iirc it was because of the complaints of Priests/Warlocks being OP in arenas with their control way back when. Folks didn’t really complain about Viper String though…iirc…

I dunno but my human priest sure did love using feedback on enemy casters. Was particularly fun against other priests and warlocks who’d load you up without thinking, which would end up counter-dotting them and eating their mana.

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We were and it was fantastic.

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I believe the reason of it being removed is because of some classes in-ability to increase their mana pools back then due to how stats worked. Mana-burn to those classes caused them to oom in 2 globals making them unable to play in pvp against such players due to mana-burn scaling with spell power back then.

Mana burn still exists for priests in very particular circumstances. I used it a few weeks ago :slight_smile: it’s a secret!

Why is there no soul shatter anymore?

There were also more ways to regen mana, having mana burn without the regen abilities seems stupid OP.

Another reason I remember seeing was that it was all players were doing and not really “pvping” - stack haste and mana-burn caster opponents to death for easy wins.