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   Anne's real diary on display at the Anne Frank House.

    This is what a Anne's Diary looks like if it would be opened. She pasted in pictures of her and her family because this diary "Kitty" was her best friend and she wanted her to know everything.

  The list that the
Germans made of the last transport to the camp Westerbork.
     Here's a picture of Margot, Otto, Anne, and Edith Frank.

  This was said to be the last picture of Anne and Margot Frank.
At that time, Jewish people weren't allowed to take pictures, but pictures of Jewish people could be taken.

Can you imagine having to stay here for a week let alone until the
day you die or liberation?? I can not even imagine a place as bad as these concentration camps. This one is Bergen-Belsen where Anne was.

   One word to describe this: Yuck!

   Here are some of the translations of Anne's Diary in many different languages(some say 55)  such as English, German, and Spanish.