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Fernando Brizio*target table

Fernando Brízio is a Portuguese top Designer and obtained  his college degree in Equipment Design in 1996, at the Fine Arts Faculty of Lisbon, where he is based. Since 1999 he has been developing several product design projects, as well as setting design and exhibition works, for, among others, Details, Protodesign, Atlantis, M Glass, Droog Design.

He likes to get very hands-on with his projects. We can understand that in his work “target” table.
He shoots arrows into bases using an old fashioned bow and then flips them over so that the points of the arrows carry the weight of the table.

Fernando Brizio’s Target table is made from wood and arrows. Arrows are embedded into targets via a bow making each table unique. In the end, once enough arrows have been shot, the target is taken down from the wall and flipped over, with the arrows functioning as the support legs for the table.

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Sarah Myerscough Fine Art *London

Jehs + Laub * IMM Cologne Contemporary Design Fair

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