Matthew Vaughn has acquired the film rights to Ghostgirl.

The X-Men: First Class filmmaker will produce the adaptations of Tonya Hurley's young adult novels under his Marv Films banner, reports Variety.

Animation, Animated cartoon, Illustration, Graphics, Fiction, Costume design, Graphic design, Photo caption, pinterest
Tonya Hurley

The series launched in 2008 with Ghostgirl - the story of a girl desperate to be popular even after she has died by choking on a gummy bear.

It was followed by Ghostgirl: Homecoming and Ghostgirl: Lovesick.

Vaughn's next release will be Kingsman: The Secret Service, starring Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Samuel L Jackson and Michael Caine.

Kingsman: The Secret Service will be released on February 12 in the UK and February 13 in the US. Watch a trailer below:

preview for Kingsman: The Secret Service trailer

Headshot of Hugh Armitage
Hugh Armitage
Hugh Armitage is Movies Editor at Digital Spy.