Girls in the Beauty Department

The New Yes to Body Wash Collection Has Me Seriously Thinking About Taking ANOTHER Shower Today

Last night, my friends and I had a little dinner party and at the end of the evening, I sent each of them home with one of the new scents from the Yes to Body Wash Collection. My friend Hannah tried the Yes to Carrots scent and emailed a few hours ago to say, "I've been smelling it all day!" She included seven more exclamation points, but you get the idea. Jenny took home the grapefruit scent and said it softened her skin. Florence tried the cucumber body wash and said it soothed her sensitive skin, and I tried a bottle of the blueberry. I have to admit: I love the scent and the fact that it still hasn't worn off! For the uninitiated, the Yes to brand is pretty awesome, especially if you are partial to organic products. Each bottle is $8.99 and will be found at Target, Walmart, and when they debut in July. I'm pretty obsessed with the cucumber face wipes, but I'm going to stick with this body wash (and pick up the Yes to Carrots scent as well). I can't ask Hannah for my bottle back, can I? Do you use any products from

Last night, my friends and I had a little dinner party and at the end of the evening, I sent each of them home with one of the new scents from the Yes to Body Wash Collection. My friend Hannah tried the Yes to Carrots scent and emailed a few hours ago to say, "I've been smelling it all day!" She included seven more exclamation points, but you get the idea. Jenny took home the grapefruit scent and said it softened her skin. Florence tried the cucumber body wash and said it soothed her sensitive skin, and I tried a bottle of the blueberry. I have to admit: I love the scent and the fact that it still hasn't worn off!

For the uninitiated, the Yes to brand is pretty awesome, especially if you are partial to organic products. Each bottle is $8.99 and will be found at Target, Walmart, and when they debut in July. I'm pretty obsessed with the cucumber face wipes, but I'm going to stick with this body wash (and pick up the Yes to Carrots scent as well). I can't ask Hannah for my bottle back, can I?

Do you use any products from the Yes to brand? Will you pick up a bottle of the brand's new body wash?

Photo: Courtesy