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Druuna #7

The Forgotten Planet

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Tras un largo paréntesis, llega una nueva aventura
de Druuna, la aventurera espacial por excelencia
que no tiene nada q ue envidiar a la bellísima
Barbarella. Aventuras espaciales, alienígenas,
grandes naves y sexo, mucho sexo...

62 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2000

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About the author

Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri

125 books70 followers
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri is an Italian comic book writer and illustrator, noted for his works of highly detailed renderings of the human form, particularly erotic images of women. He is best known for his work on the Druuna erotic science fiction series.

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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews
1,929 reviews15 followers
September 22, 2020
This 7th Druuna adventure is easily my favourite - There's less gratuitous sex and more horror. The art is phenomenal in this one as well. Druuna has never looked sexier, but it's actually the monsters, and the eerie bio-mechanical post apocalyptic landscapes that make this stand out.

Druuna has lost her memory, she doesn't even know who she is. She wanders through this nightmare scape of mutant insects and freaky hybrids looking for answers. There's such a fusion of influences, which if you're a SF junkie like me just puts a huge smile on your face: Alien, Dune, Ghost in the Shell, there are these freaky hooded guys with glowing eyes reminding me of Jawas (Star Wars) and the cyborg will is very reminiscent of the Cybermen from Dr. Who. Story doesn't really make much sense, but honestly I didn't care, the artwork is just that good and Druuna's world so fascinating that you get drawn in regardless. It's like reading an erotic and super freaky dream.
Profile Image for Antoni.
Author 6 books23 followers
September 22, 2022

Primera aproximació a l'univers de Druuna. Resulta evident que aquesta noia és una icona sexual i que ha de passejar-se mig còmic en pilotes, però, sincerament, crec que si es tapés una mica més milloraria molt. Bé, si fes això i l'autor posés una mica de seny en el guió, és clar.

L'element de ciència-ficció hi és ben present, ja que tot l'escenari és una barreja de nau/ciutat abandonada plena a vessar d'uns estranys individus que adoren una deïtat femenina i tot de robots rebels. La Druuna es desperta sense saber per què en aquest indret, i a partir d'aquí ni ella ni el lector saben que coi passa. L'autor es treu de la màniga un gir final que podria tenir sentit i resultar creïble si s'hagués currat una mica més la història. Però és clar, només pensava a imaginar situacions —absurdes, per cert—, en què la noia pogués cardar.

He gaudit molt del dibuix, que presenta un escenari fosc que barreja les pelis d'Alien i d'El nom de la rosa, amb tot de laberints i forats foscos excavats a la roca. Els alienígenes, robots i demés éssers també estan força bé, sobretot aquest individu mig còmic que surt cap al final, però en cada vinyeta estan supeditats a les corbes sensuals de Druuna, i així mai acaben de destacar.

No sé si atrevir-me amb altres números de la col·lecció. Dubto que la inventiva de l'autor vagi a més i és una pena, perquè el to fosc i macabre de tot el que imagina m'agrada, i si li tragués encara que fos una mica més de profit el còmic seria espectacular.
Profile Image for Rick Ray.
2,435 reviews9 followers
August 13, 2023
A fair bit more sophisticated than some of the previous Druuna entries since here there is more emphasis on plot and less on the gratuitious sex and nudity. In this album, Druuna awakes to lost memories and wanders through a new alien landscape. She is accosted by some hooded figures who bring her back to their hideout where she is probed by an alien entity. The plot itself is a bit repetitive - particularly when considering how often Druuna finds herself in these situations - but the overall pacing was brisk enough and the narration is toned down signficantly to not feel too worn by the repetitiveness. It's the bizarre dream logic that keeps these feeling fresh, even if at times it feels like Serpieri has run out of ideas. That - and the fantastic artwork of course.
Profile Image for Jenika Ioffreda.
Author 5 books24 followers
November 5, 2020
Five stars for the art, one star for the story and two for the world building, so I give three stars as a mix of the three. Sex, monsters and violence are not really my cup of tea, but still the beautiful art made me turn the pages.
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews

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