Seljalandsfoss Waterfall, South Coast


Standing at 200 feet (60 m) is the Seljalandsfoss Waterfall, one of Iceland's most famous and visited cascades. Just off the Ring Road, you can see Seljalandsfoss in less than two hours from Reykjavik or under an hour from Vik on the South Coast. You'll enjoy this famous scene, which plunges from the Seljalandsá River, which originates from the Eyjafjallajökull glacier. 

The scenery around the cascade is one for the books. Although more narrow than other falls in Iceland, Seljalandsfoss falls from a cliff that once sat along the country's coast. Due to geologic activity, the coastline now sits across the nearby lowlands, but you can still see it from the waterfall.

Getting to Seljalandsfoss is quite easy, as the parking lot not far from Ring Road is just a few minutes away. The path up to the falls stretches behind the spray and into a cave under the cliff. From this vantage point, you'll see the water plunging 20-30 feet in front of you. To stay dry, pay attention to the direction of the wind and wear a rain jacket!

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