Broken Social Scene 

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Columbus, OH, US Change
  1. Sep

    10Arrow right icon

    Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Harvest Music Festival

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Join 357,868 fans getting concert alerts for this artist

Upcoming concerts (3)

  1. May


    Pioneertown, CA, US

    Pappy & Harriet's Pioneertown Palace

  2. May


    Outdoor Pasadena, CA, US

    Just Like Heaven

  3. Sep

    10Arrow right icon

    Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Harvest Music Festival

Live reviews

  • Broken Social Scene

    Broken Social Scene has an eclectic style of music that breathes inspiration throughout the audience whenever performed. It is often a difficult task to describe the musical style of Broken Social Scene as they blend many unique and experimental styles of music in their performance as well as use many types of instruments ranging from the typical rock band instruments to woodwinds, horns, and violins. They have been classified by such genres as indie rock and baroque pop, but however one wishes to identify them there is no arguing that their unique blends of instrumentation and performance styles are amazing to see live.

    Broken Social Scene has been noted to tour with as many as nineteen members, due to the many rich, intricate sounds that are produced when performed live. Broken Social Scene’s whirlwind of performers that rotate in and out of the band have included such famous musicians as Feist and John McEntire of the band Tortoise, but the band has always included its principle songwriters Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning. Broken Social Scene goes through a diverse range of songs on their setlist conveying a wide set of moods through their music ranging from atmospheric and ambient, such as “Worldsick” and “Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl” to charismatic and exhilarating, such as “KC Accidental” and “Superconnected”. The sincerity of Broken Social Scene’s music and lyrics resonates through the audience creating a binding connection. The fans of Broken Social Scene seem just as loyal to the band as the band is to its fans. When I saw them in Atlanta at the Buckhead Theater, Kevin Drew mentioned how he just had his jacket stolen before the show. After hearing this several members of the audience responded to his statement by handing him the jacket of their backs. After seeing this Brendan Canning made a slight joke about how he was in need of a belt, which resulted with members of the audience hurling their belts to him on stage. Broken Social Scene will surprise you live with their elaborate blend of elegant music, and exhilarating performance. They continue to prove that striving to make music as creatively as possible will result in live music that will form a strong bind with its audience.

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  • Aw. I wish they were still on tours. I'll bet it would be magical. Spotify playback quality was only made to tell half the story of things, after all. If only that amazing band were still on tours and I would heckle and beg to my mom to splurge on the extra ticket. Extra ticket meaning that it would be so sold out we'd have to go to Stubhub or someplace in order to find some sort of throwaway misfit pass because they're just that frickin amazing. They are.

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  • Was introduced to this band about 10 yrs ago, have seen them live only once but it was the single best concert Ive ever been too hands down. Great Jam session type vibe, light, laid back and just super cool!!! (not exactly what I was expecting given the very serious, often politically charged material they write.)

    I only wish they would tour Ontario again...Id snatch up tickets in as many venues as possible....

    I love love love this band.

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  • Emotionally driven show. Absolute pleasure to see Johnny Marr join them on stage. The setlist was perfect, spanning all albums, and the typical high energy and love of the show from the band. It was a pity that this sold out show only attracted half of the crowd due to the travesty which occurred in Manchester, it only made it more intimate and emotional...

    Many a tear, and the best gig of the year.

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    a great collection of talented musicians, so lively and a great setlist. Would see again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and agaim and again

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  • You guys will always be one of my absolute favorite bands, and you always put on an amazing show! Please come back to Vancouver every year. And ,if possible, could you play Hotel? =)

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  • Beautiful venue, we were all VIPs because it was a small group of ppl and we loved it!! Hubby says its the best Broken Social Scene show he has seen yet!!

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Past concerts

  1. Oct


    Nashville, TN, US

    Brooklyn Bowl - Nashville

  2. Oct


    St Louis, MO, US

    The Pageant

  3. Oct


    Louisville, KY, US

    Headliners Music Hall

View all past concerts

Broken Social Scene tour dates and tickets 2024-2025 near you

Want to see Broken Social Scene in concert? Find information on all of Broken Social Scene’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025.

Broken Social Scene is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 3 concerts across 2 countries in 2024-2025. View all concerts.
