How to Grow Wheatgrass in 8 Easy Steps

wheatgrass growing indoors in a pot

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 1 wk
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $30

When wheat is grown to produce bread or cereal, its seeds are harvested at the end of the plant's annual life cycle. Wheatgrass, however, is grown for the young leaves (grass blades) of the plant shortly after they sprout from seed. The grass is used to boost the nutritional content of salads and smoothies.

It's quick and easy to grow wheatgrass at home in a mini kitchen garden year-round. You just need a few basic supplies and a packet of seeds. Follow the simple steps below to sow, grow, and harvest your own wheatgrass within just a couple of weeks.

Before You Begin

The night before you begin, soak your wheatgrass seeds in in room temperature water overnight; fully cover all the seeds by at least 1 inch. This softens the seed coating, allowing the seed to take on water and begin the sprouting process.

Prepare Your Growing Container

The next day, drain off the water, then rinse the seed with fresh water.


Seed selection is important in growing wheatgrass at home. The seed is commonly sold in food coops, health food stores, and grocery stores that specialize in natural foods. Select seed labeled "hard" not "soft" (hard contains more protein, so it's even better for you).

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Nursery tray
  • Spray bottle
  • Clean white cloth to cover nursery tray
  • Sharp, clean scissors


  • Organic, sterile potting mix
  • Liquid kelp fertilizer
  • Wheat grass seeds


  1. Fill the Tray With Soil

    Fill the nursery tray with a 1/2" to 1" layer of potting mix, and spray with w mister or spray bottle so that it is evenly moist (but not soggy) from top to bottom. Tap the container on the counter to level the potting mix.

  2. Sow Your Seeds

    Sow the seed by sprinkling it in a single layer on top of the potting mix. The more seed you sow, the denser your grass will grow.

  3. Cover Tray With Cloth

    Cover the tray with the white cloth or a sheet of newspaper and mist it with your spray bottle to moisten it.

  4. Keep Tray in the Dark

    Place the tray in a dark spot that stays between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and has good ventilation.

  5. Mist the Cloth Regularly

    Continue to mist the cloth as needed so that it does not dry out. The seed should germinate (sprout) in about two to three days.

  6. Move Sprouts Into Sunlight

    Remove the cloth as soon as sprouts appear, and move the tray to a well-ventilated spot with indirect sunlight (to get the seedlings accustomed to light).

    Once the seedlings green up, move them to a location with full sun and good ventilation.

  7. Fertilize When You Mist

    Fertilize your crop every other day or so with liquid kelp fertilizer diluted with water (according to the package directions).

    You can simply incorporate fertilizing into your misting regimen so that, every other day or so, you mist with a kelp-water solution.

  8. Harvest Your Wheatgrass

    Harvest the grass blades when they are about 7 inches tall (approximately 7 to 10 days). Just snip off the amount of grass you want to use with sharp, clean scissors to avoid pulling and disrupting the roots.

    Your grass will grow continuously, so a large crop may need to be cut back occasionally to encourage growth without allowing the grass to develop seed heads.

    closeup of wheatgrass
    ​The Spruce / Krystal Slagle