Churches and monuments

Historical Centre

It preserves monuments of architectural heritage, buildings built in the nineteenth century. The area is like a stage set with a collection of architectural styles. The representative buildings are: the Communal House (1875) - the current House of Culture, the Court (1886), the Confessional School (1875) - the current Theoretical High School and the church of St. Nicholas (1515).



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„Sfântul Nicolae” Church

It is the oldest church in the town, a monument of Romanian medieval art founded by Ruler Neagoe Basarab (1515).

Expanded to its current form in 1810, the church houses in the chapel an exhibition of cult objects, church icons and church books from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Address: Dr. Tiberiu Spârchez Street, no.1

„Nașterea Maicii Domnului” Church 

Built in 1791, the church stands out for its well-balanced proportions and the original interior wall is very well preserved to this day. The doors of the altar present a picture made by the priest Arsenie Boca.

Address: Tei Street, no.5

„Intrarea Maicii Domnului în Biserică” Church

Founded in 1779, the church in Tohanul Nou was an artistic achievement of the time, its architecture complying with the Transylvanian places of worship from the 18th century. The original mural also stands out in this building.

Address: Bisericii Street, no. 7

"Colțul Chiliilor" Hermitage

It is the oldest religious settlement in Zărnești (1414), being made up of a chapel arranged in a cave, which was a place of refuge and prayer for the local population in the medieval period, but also a monastic ensemble, rebuilt in the 9th decade of twentieth century on the site of the one destroyed in 1718 by the Austrian imperial authorities.

A little above the monastic ensemble, climbing into the forest, is the cave where a Holy Altar dedicated to the Holy Pious Parascheva is arranged. The cave, about twenty meters long, is adorned with numerous church icons.

The hermitage at Colțul Chiliilor is recommended to be visited not only in July, on the patron saint of the church, but rather on a day when you can sit quietly and listen to the story of the hermitage.

Access roads: From the city center on the road to Plaiul Foii (approximately 2 km. Sign and parking space) Map

To learn more about the hiking trail to the Schitul Colțul Chiliilor Hermitage, read our blog here.

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