White Cards (or Bounce Cards)


Our beloved white cards. If you're familiar with all of our BTS photos we share on both Weekend Creative and Little Sunday Studio, you'd probably notice how often we like to use this inexpensive tool in our shoots. We’ve got a fun post talking about what they are, why they’re helpful in product photography, and a couple of fun ways that you can manipulate them to create interesting lighting effects. Best part of all? They’re incredibly easy to find and last for a very long time. Head over to our online community, The Weekend Club, to read it now!


The Weekend Club is an online community of photographers wanting to learn and grow together. We share a ton of exclusive content over there, and we would love for you to join us! Learn more about it in this post.

Is it the weekend yet?



Per Our Last Email Podcast


Creating a Proposal or Treatement Deck for Clients