Traveling South is the first major study of how narratives of travel through the antebellum South helped construct an American national identity during the years between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
When you look to the sky, do you wonder why the Sun is so bright or why the clouds are white or why the sky is blue? Then, Weather For Dummies is your resource to fuel your curiosity about the weather.
He tells the little-known stories of these weathermen, such as Ptolemy s weather predictions based on astrology, John Finley s breakthrough research in identifying tornadoes, and Tor Bergeron s new techniques of weather forecasting, which ...
Physical evidence reveals that centuries of slow, creeping climate variations have actually been punctuated by far more rapid changes. Scientists must now consider the natural threat is greater than once thought.
The book represents a major revision of E. K. Chambers' ideas of stage devils in The Medieval Stage (1903), arguing that this is not a history of gradual secularization, as scholarship has maintained for the last century, but rather that ...
The resulting work creates, in Queen Margaret, one of Shakespeare's strongest female roles and is the source of the popular view of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick as `kingmaker'.
With features from guest editors: Joe Ricke: "A Guide to Reading this Volume," "Introduction," "Against Pessimism: As You Like It (or Not)" Sarah R.A. Waters: "Lewis, Lear, and The Four Loves" As well as contributions from Shakespearean ...
Ranging over all the dramatic genres in the Shakespearean canon, this book focuses on plays where medieval drama most clearly illuminates Shakespeare's treatment of political power and social privilege.
Seeming Knowledge revisits the question of Shakespeare and religion by focusing on the conjunction of faith and skepticism in his writing. Cox argues that the relationship between faith and skepticism is not an invented conjunction.