Originally published in 1964, this “quirky, funny collection of stories, poems, and drawings” (The New York Times) is a must-have for John Lennon and Beatles fans everywhere.
After a brief biographical introduction, chronologically arranged chapters discuss his incredible body of work album-by-album and single-by-single. A discography and annotated bibliography conclude the book.
The Search for John Lennon delves deep into psyche of the world's most storied musician—the good, the bad and the genius—forty years on from his tragic death.
For more than 20 years, he has taught "The Music of John Lennon," one of the most popular courses in the Berklee curriculum. "You've got the Beatles' records and the John Lennon records; now with this book, you can have the Owner's Manual.
The books in this series detail every recorded song in each artist's catalogue from the start of their careers to the present day. Shaped like a CD box, these books are designed to sit neatly alongside a CD collection.
From his childhood paintings to the song he recorded on the day he died, here is a complete catalogue of Lennon's work across many fields: songwriting, performing, drawing, painting, film, poetry, prose and conceptual art.
Examines the life of singer-songwriter John Lennon, showing the troubled aspects of his personality and experiences, covering his childhood, his years in the Beatles, and his two marriages.
This groundbreaking collection of almost 300 letters and postcards has been edited and annotated by Hunter Davies, whose authorized biography The Beatles (1968) was published to great acclaim.
John Lennon was not only a musician, he was also an artist of many talents who wrote short stories and nonsense texts, and created drawings and photographs.