We don't have full dataset for Caldas da Rainha. We might not be able to calculate the overall estimate for this city at this moment. Calculation Settings.
From the airport to Caldas da Rainha takes about an hour and will cost around €90-100 . ... 39.4066 -9.1367 21 Maratona , Praça 25 de Abril 15 ( Azul ...
We've collected the most-often-mentioned 15 places from other articles, including favorites like Restaurante Adega do Albertino, Maratona Café Restaurante, ...
Starred restaurants, Bib Gourmand and all the MICHELIN restaurants in Caldas da Rainha on the MICHELIN Guide's official website.
Sep 2, 2024 · This cafe offers Portuguese meals. That's a nice idea to order tasty monkfish, duck risotto and salads. Try good queijada, parfait and fruitcake ...
Pizza (Caldas da Rainha). Too far to deliver. Mr. Pizza (Caldas da Rainha) ... PricingDo not sell or share my personal informationLivro de Reclamações.
Leonor, o Hospital Termal das Caldas da Rainha é o mais antigo do mundo, contando já com cinco séculos de existência. No século XV (1485) a Rainha D. Leonor ...
Prices are higher than other options in the area, yes they are, but quality has a price. ... Maratona is a gasthaus that offers delicious vegetarian dishes ...
Best Portuguese in Caldas da Rainha - Restaurante Lisboa, Solar dos Amigos, Restaurante Távola, Pacha, Maratona, Ja!mon Ja!mon, Adega do Albertino, ...
Rating (527)
Maratona, Caldas da Rainha. 13063 likes · 1 talking about this · 8183 were here. Café . Restaurante . Esplanada.