Botnroll robotic store and eductional products. 3D Printer - PLA - Arduino - Raspberry - micro:bit - ESP - SONOFF. is an online store and develops didactic products in the field of mobile robotics education. 3 followers · 0 following.
Mobile Robots and Robotic devices. Educational Platforms and New projects under development. ...more ...more Subscribe.
103 subscribers•18 videos Mobile Robots and Robotic devices. Educational Platforms and New projects under development.
The aim of this project was to create an algorithm to allow Bot'n Roll ONE A solving mazes using the line follower only! The code was developed so the robot ...
Apr 18, 2024 · Botnroll is a leader in providing services to schools and universities, they are in direct contact with the Portuguese Education Government, ...
The BnrOneA library interfaces the Bot'n Roll ONE. A educational robot from For more information about this library please visit us.