Japan is an island country in East Asia. It is located in the Pacific Ocean off the northeast coast of the Asian mainland, and is bordered on the west by ...
Japan's great white north offers wild, white winters and bountiful summers—a haven for dedicated foodies, nature lovers and outdoor adventure fans seeking an ...
País na Ásia Oriental
O Japão, país insular no Oceano Pacífico, tem cidades densas, palácios imperiais, parques nacionais montanhosos e milhares de santuários e templos. Os trens-bala Shinkansen conectam as principais ilhas: Kyushu (com as praias subtropicais de...
Capital: Tóquio
Bandeira: Selo Imperial
Fuso horário: +9
Gini (2008): 37,6 (2008)
IDH (2019): 0,919 (19.º) – muito alto
Moeda: Iene (¥ / 円) (JPY)
PIB (base PPC): Estimativa de 2022
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Japan is an island country lying off the east coast of Asia. It consists of a string of islands in a northeast-southwest arc that stretches for ...
Japan is one of the world's most successful democracies and largest economies. The U.S.-Japan Alliance is the cornerstone of U.S. security interests in Asia ...
Everything about modern and traditional Japan with emphasis on travel and living related information.
The official website of the Government of Japan, provides a wealth of information on important policies and efforts to spread fruit of innovation and ...
Latest news on Japan: business, politics, commentary, sports, culture, life and more.
Japan is an archipelago, or string of islands, on the eastern edge of Asia. There are four main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.
Currently, there are no COVID-19 testing, proof of vaccination, or quarantine requirements to travel to Japan. However, we strongly recommend all U.S. citizens ...