is an online store and develops didactic products in the field of mobile robotics education.
The BnrOneA library interfaces the Bot'n Roll ONE. A educational robot from For more information about this library please visit us.
Botnroll Omni3MD library for RaspberryPi and other Linux-based ARM devices. This library interfaces Omni3MD Omnidirectional motor controller using ARM's I2C ...
This repository shows how to integrate the ESP32 with BnrOneA robot - BnrOneA_ESP32/BnrOneA/examples/LineSensor/_02_LineFollow/_02_LineFollow.ino at master ...
Standalone program for connecting robot hardware to the Open Roberta lab using an usb or ssh connection. Fast installation with maven.
A Boilerplate Bot'n Roll Program. Here's a simple, brief program that you can copy as a sort of “empty” program to start your projects with. #include ...
A personal bot that runs on Discord. Running I would prefer if you don't run an instance of my bot. Just call the join command with an invite URL to have it on ...
Arduinobot is an open-source 3D printed robot arm powered by ROS 2. Its simple design and low cost make it an excellent learning tool.
This is a MCP2515 CAN bus module with TJA1050 High speed CAN transceiver. MCP2515 is a stand-alone Controller Area Network (CAN) controller that implements the ...
A galactic web app that will allow them to browse through a list of robots, view a robot's details, and, enlist a bot into their army.
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