
(16) Electronic parts supplier in Guimarćes Municipality, Portugal
Address: R. Dr. Joćo Afonso de Almeida 390, 4800-045 Guimarćes, Portugal
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 10 AM Fri
Phone: +351 253 554 214 is an online store and develops didactic products in the field of mobile robotics education. - botnroll.
Mobile Robots and Robotic devices. Educational Platforms and New projects under development. ...more ...more Subscribe.
The BnrOneA library interfaces the Bot'n Roll ONE. A educational robot from For more information about this library please visit us.
Mobile Robots and Robotic devices. Educational Platforms and New projects under development. ...more ...more Subscribe.
Jul 8, 2016 · Claw designed by Team Botnroll specifically for Botnroll One A robot
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