: Architecture, Reference
Reference Type
: Encyclopedia
: Dover, paperback
Based on J.G. Heck's 'Bilder Atlas zum Conversations Lexicon, ' published in Germany in the nineteenth century, the original 'Iconographic Encyclopędia of Science, Literature, and Art' was a monumental six-volume compilation of illustrations and information covering an enormous range of subjects, from archaeology to zoology. Among its most remarkable features were the more than 11,000 superb steel engravings, comprising one of the most extensive pictorial archives ever published in a single work. The present book is devoted to architecture, mythology, and fine art, and includes illustrations of prehistoric tombs, pyramids, catacombs, classical temples and medieval cathedrals, as well as museums, arches, bridges and scores of other structures. Also depicted are mythological and religious figures and rites from many cultures: Hindu, Japanese and Mexican idols; Egyptian gods and goddesses, Persian processions, runic stones, Dionysian orgies and others. Fine art illustrations include Etruscan bas-reliefs, Egyptian painting and statuary, Greek sculpture, paintings by Raphael, Caravaggio, Andrea del Sarto, Titan, and other masters, along with illustrated examples of the art of drawing, and alphabets of various languages.