: Architecture, Reference
Reference Type
: Dictionary
: Ernest E. Burden, Ernest Burden
“An excellent resource for interested laypeople as well as professionals in the field . . . recommended as a ready reference tool for public, academic, and highschool libraries.” An Architectural Dictionary Written in the Language of Design. . . and Heavily Illustrated! Unlike any other architectural dictionary currently available, the Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture,2e is focused almost entirely on design. While other design dictionaries are overloaded with construction-related terms, this unique resource contains nearly 4000 design-related definitions and more than 3000 illustrations – far more than any other dictionary.The Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture covers everything critically important to those in the architect/design field:* Architectural Styles* Details* Building Elements* Forms* Building Systems* And added to this edition is more than 300 architect biographies with classic examples of their workMeticulously written, heavily cross-referenced, and unique in the fact that it is a dictionary that can truly be called a visual resource, the Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture, 2e is the best way for any designer to gain a full understanding of architectural elements.